Monday, May 18, 2009

Next Day's Addiction

Hello blogfam! I know it's been a long time and I've slacked alot! Even tho I only did that day one entry. So much has happened in my life since my first and last entry. So, so very much! I have a HUGE secret that I am screaming to tell everyone, but not just yet...not until I've crossed all my t's and dotted all my i's! I'm very excited about it. It's a life changing secret that will change the lives of everyone around me! So, soon, very soon I'll be able to still the beans and post pictures to back it! In another month I will began the publishing of my first book that I have been working on since I was 12! I will finally finish the publishing and be able to share my thoughts and opinions, my prayers, and emotions with all the world. I am hoping that it will be effective and beneficial for kids who grew up like me, for adults whom have lived the life I've lived and make the mistakes like I have. People who have pushed on despite of and regardless of. Today I wanted to just update my blog a little and leave you with this prayer,

God, please give us the strength to have the spiritual foundation we once had or will have. Give us the courage and guidance to to become more complete today than we were yesterday. Give us the patience and understanding to be more like you and in your imagine. We have sinned beyond forgiveness, but we know and have faith that through you all is possible and that only you can forgive us and save us from our sins. We love you and appreciate you and ask that you continue to bless us on our journey, AMEN!

See you guys later!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

First Day's AdDiCtIoN....

Hi Everyone! So I was sitting here, working and watching t.v., when I thought, I should create a blog...WHY NOT? I've got great things to say and love responding to people who are willing to read...or listen.

Let me introduce myself. I am a poet, a mother, a daughter, a work at home mom, and the "woman" to a fabulous man. For the first time, I really think I hit the jack pot and found one of the few really good black men. If you've been in search for one, you know like I know how THAT search can play out!

So I have three WONDERFUL children who I completely adore and love, one of which is a beautiful teenage girl who, as it pains me, has HUGE self-esteem issues. I have two boys who are completely awesome!

I don't really have any really close friends at this point in my life because I've moved so much and just got out of a very controlling marriage.....I'll go there later. But I do have a few cousins that I consider to be close to and a friend or two from "back in the day" that I will always consider to be close to me.

Lastly, but definitely not least I have a WONDERFUL mother who is sooo supportive and understanding. She has been my foundation for everything I consider right in my life. I don't think she really realizes or understands how much of a purpose she poses in my life....but she really means the world to me.

Ok, enough of that....

Now....I guess I should be getting down to juicy stuff.....but I'm not sure I really want to air my dirty laundry just yet.....let's start today with a thought and then take it from there, okay?

I think the reason I wanted to blog today was to tell the whole world about how much I LOVE my Black man! Silly? Lol....maybe, but I do. I mean for the first time in my life I really love a man and I really believe he love me too....not for any other reason than because I deserve his love. I mean even when I was married I wasn't ready to settle down, but I did because I thought that was what I should do,not because I loved him or anything. Just figured I'd go ahead and do it.....turned out to be on of the things I'd later regret....not to mention about 20 other things pertaining to him.....but that's a later topic too.

Ok, guys, if you're out there and you're reading and you want to respond to my love and devotion for my man....holla back at me. Let's see what happens. The better we get, the more I'll post and more things I'll add like photos and what nots........see you in a few hours...
